Pointers are like sharp
knives in C-Programming which are having tremendous power. Pointers,
when used properly reduces the complexity of the programs to a great
extent. But, on the counterpart when not used properly results in
adverse effects, in an worst case, it may crash the system.
In this blog, I am
mainly focusing on two different situations where Dangling pointers
arises and how to avoid it in a simple way.
Note 1:
snippets provided here is tested with GCC compiler [ gcc version
4.7.3 ] running under Linux environment.
Pointers :
Simply, the pointers not pointing to the valid memory location (
Object ).
To Explain with, I am
considering the two different cases , giving rise to Dangling
Case :1. When a
function returns address of the auto-variables.
Case :2. In dynamic
memory allocation, using the block of memory which is already freed.
Case 1: Function
returning address of the auto-variables.
Consider the simple
code given below in fig 1,
Fig 1: Code returning the address of the local / auto variables. |
When we run the above
program in gcc compiler we get the warning as given in the Fig 2,
Fig 2: Compiler generating warning. |
But, What is wrong when
address of the auto/local variables are returned ? Let us see this,
1. We know that
whenever , there is a function call, new stack frame will be created
2. When the control
returns from the function call, all the memory allocated for that
function will be freed automatically.
In our example program, we are returning the address of the auto
variable and collecting this in the 'int_ptr
pointer in the main function. So, int_ptr is still pointing to the
memory which is freed as per the point no.2 .
4. One can observe
allocation & de-allocation of stack frame(Let us called this as
fun frame) for the fun() in the Fig 3 given below,
Fig 3: Program Memory & Stack frames. |
5. Now, int_ptr becomes
'Dangling'. De-referencing this pointer results in 'Unexpected
6. So, always take
extra care while playing with pointers & local variables.
2. In
dynamic memory allocation, using the block of memory which is already
Consider the below
sample code,
Fig 4: Code snippet, showing re-using of block_ptr. |
Explanation: For the
code snippet shown in Fig 4
Memory allocation by malloc().
Memory allocated is freed by free() manually.
Note 2:
In case 1: Memory is freed automatically.
case 2: Memory is freed manually. This is the one of key difference
between stack & heap.
Re-using the pointer, which is still pointing to the memory which is
already freed. In our example block_ptr is now called as “Dangling
But, In case 2 pointer
becoming dangling can be avoided by initializing it to 'NULL'
immediately after freeing it.
pointers are very harmful and results in adverse effects in the
embedded systems programming.So. It should be “STRICTLY”
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