Tuesday, May 6, 2014

void pointers : Its Genericness


Void Pointers : Definition

Void pointers are the pointer variables which has no specific data type. These are also called as Generic pointers because it can point to any data type. In General, the compiler has no idea what type of object a void Pointer really points to.

Void Pointers : Declaration

A void pointer is declared like a normal pointer, using the keyword “void” as the pointer’s type as shown below,

Referencing & De-referencing the void pointers

In order to explain, how void pointers can be referenced & De-reference, let we take a small sample code as shown below in Fig 1,

 Fig 1: Referencing & De-referencing of the void pointers

From the above Fig 1, it is clear that while referencing the void * no need to typecast, only when De-referencing the void *, it need to be type-casted otherwise the gcc compiler will give warning along with error note as shown below in Fig 2,
Fig 2: Result obtained while de-referencing the void pointer without typecasting.
  Fig 3: Output after typecasting the void pointer while dereferencing.

Why void pointers are useful ?

One main advantage of using the void pointers is that it can be 're-usable'. Because of this feature of the void pointers 'space' & 'time' complexities can be reduced to some extent which is very critical in Embedded System designing.
They are very useful when you want a same pointer to point to data of different types at different times.
Let us consider a small simple code snippet, to show how void pointers can be re-usable which reduces the space complexity in the example as shown in the Fig 4 given below,

Fig 4: Void pointer reusability.

Fig 5: Output of the code shown in Fig 4.

For more clarity let us understand the above code through pictorial representation.
Line No.14 : The vptr is pointing to the address of the integer variable 'i', as shown below in Fig 6.1
Line No.18 : The vptr is pointing to the address of the character variable 'c', as shown below in Fig 6.2
Line No.22 : The vptr is pointing to the address of the float variable 'f', as shown below in Fig 6.3
Line No.26 : The vptr is pointing to the address of the double variable 'd', as shown below in Fig 6.4

Note : xxxx, yyyy, zzzz, aaaa, bbbb are all some arbitrary addresses shown in the above figures from 6.1 to 6.4.
From the figures 6.1 to 6.4 , it is very clear that we have used only one pointer i.e vptr , instead of four different pointers to point to four different variable of different data types, where space complexity is more. Only one thing that the programmer should keep in the mind while coding is that proper typecasting should be done depending on the different data types.
Void pointers are used in places where you need to work with different pointer types in the same code. One commonly used example is the library function qsort:
base is the address of an array, nmemb is the number of elements in the array, size is the size of each element, and compar is a pointer to a function that compares two elements of the array.

Pointer Arithmetic on Void*

Let us learn how to apply pointer arithmetic on the void pointers through the bug code as shown in the Fig 7 given below.

Fig 7: Bug code

Fig 8: Output of the bug code shown in Fig 7

From the above result, one can see that we are not getting the expected output. Surprisingly what went wrong ? Let us analyze the above code & output we got.
1. From the output it is very clear that addresses are incremented by one one byte, this is because the gcc compiler assumes sizeof(void) is 1 byte long.
2. So, when we increment void pointer by one, it is incremented by one byte long as one can observe this from the Fig 8(address part).
3. Now coming to the value part, the first value i.e arr[0] is getting printed correct, but after that all the values are wrong, this I am explaining through the pictorial representation as shown in the Fig 9
to Fig 13 below.
Note : The output depends on the endianness of the architecture.
Fig 9
Fig 10
Fig 11
Fig 12
Fig 13
From the above five figures, we can see why we are not getting the expected output. So the corrected code along with expected output is shown in the Fig 14 & 15 given below,

Fig 14 : Correction to the code given in Fig 7

Fig 15: Expected output for the code given in Fig 11.

void pointers can be assigned to any pointer value. One cannot dereference a void pointer without proper typecasting. Functions such as malloc, calloc, free utilize void pointers.

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